From the boardroom to the big stage

Woman with microphone speaking in public

How to adapt your presentation style for different formats.

Good public speakers share the same goal: connecting authentically with their target audience and creating lasting impact through the content and delivery of what they present. However, depending on where you are presenting, different strategies are required to convey your message and capture the audience's attention.

Read on to learn more about adapting your presentation delivery to different contexts, from the boardroom to the big stage.


When giving a presentation in a boardroom, you'll likely be in a space with four to forty colleagues. Boardroom presentations are intimate enough that you can usually see everyone's facial expressions and reactions, but they also require you to exude gravitas in a corporate setting.

Knowing who in the room is a key decision-maker and ensuring you communicate directly to these people without excluding others is crucial. One way to demonstrate your awareness of different interests within the room is to be proactive and address this head-on: say something like, "I'm aware that the marketing team might take a different view on how we allocate spend here, so I have saved time for a discussion when we open for questions at the end."

Q&A sessions in boardrooms can be tricky since people are more likely to pipe up and add their voice to the conversation than they would in a stadium or if you were speaking on a stage. Be prepared for lively exchanges by keeping time and clearly denoting when you are shifting from presenting mode to discussion mode.


If you're lucky enough to be up on stage presenting, you have the enormous task of engaging your audience as fast as possible. Bring high energy to your delivery (check out this post with our public speaking coach's top speaker techniques) to wake the audience up, and if the lighting allows, engage the audience with crowd interaction to ensure their attention remains focused on your message. Remember that involving the audience can enhance their overall experience during your presentation! 

The openings and conclusions of stage presentations really matter. Make sure you set the energy of your presentation from the get-go and give people memorable takeaways that are reinforced at the end so they walk away with actionable new information.

Takeaway materials for your audience are particularly helpful in stage presentations. Contact Presentation Studio's team to discuss how we can transform your presentation messaging into compelling, on-brand assets that leave a lasting impression.


Presenting on camera for webinars or interactive video conferences can connect you with hundreds, if not thousands, of listeners, so nailing your messaging is even more critical. No one likes to listen to someone rambling on a webinar or video call, so script your talking points concisely and practice them with someone.

Research shows that seeing someone's hand gestures while they speak increases trust and warmth. Ensure your lighting and sound are optimised, and position your camera far enough away so that your hands remain visible while you talk: ring lights and mini microphones will go a long way in maintaining your crisp, professional online presence.

Bonus points if you can practice any tech and flourish ahead of time: If you're planning to hand off to different speakers, open the floor to Q&A, or divide people into breakout rooms, practice this with your webinar or video conferencing software ahead of time to smooth out any glitches and ensure you're familiar with the controls.

Remember, the core principles of good presentations remain consistent regardless of where and how you are presenting. Professional, on-brand materials, strategically built slide decks, and confident speaker delivery will keep you top-of-mind for your audience and help seal the deal. Let us know if you found these tips helpful, and contact us if you'd like to discuss how to smash your next speaking engagement.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Want to up your public speaking game, present smoothly, and handle Q&A sessions with ease? Reach out and learn more about how our speaker training services can help you convey your message with impact and influence.

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