Three ways to bring your EOFY data to life through design

If your financial year-end is 30 June, you might be thinking about your company’s reporting commitments, and how to consolidate and communicate your latest updates without putting your stakeholders to sleep. 

End of financial year reporting doesn’t have the best reputation: it can be endlessly long-winded and brutally boring to read when made up of dense rows of numbers and blocks of text. We’re here to tell you that—with the power of values-aligned design—it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

If you’re putting off thinking about your end of financial year (EOFY) reporting despite the looming deadline, this is your sign to read on for our recommendations on how to shake things up with new ways to visualise your data. That’s right: your financial reporting information could actually become a brand-building asset that tells the story of your company’s success. How’s that for hard working EOFY data?


Best for: Communicating on social media

Top tip: Infographics should focus on quantitative highlights (such as statistics, proportions, or growth figures) that contribute to telling a qualitative story about the business performance. As this visual format requires you to keep things simple, stick to making one key point or drawing one conclusion per statistic, and group related statistics close together to illustrate the relationship between them.

Long form documents

Best for: Sending to investors

Top tip: Infuse some character and personality into an end of financial year document by including quotes from senior leadership, images of the business operations in action, and even words of recognition for high-performing or long-serving employees. 

Keynote presentations

Best for: Keeping employees informed

Top tip: Repurpose any infographics created for social media for keynote presentation slides to maximise efficiency. Also, when sharing non-public information or updates with internal staff members, make sure to explicitly label slides as confidential so employees know what is fair game to share externally, and what isn’t.

If visualising your end of financial year data feels like a slog, we’re here to help. Our world-class design teams will take your data from dry to dazzling, turning your numbers into a story worth telling (and assets you’ll be proud of). Once we’re done with your report, all you’ll have to worry about is showing it off (and taking credit for it in front of your boss).

Contact Presentation Studio at to learn more about our end-of-financial-year reporting services.


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